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Dire Straits - Live at the BBC
Dire Straits - Live at the BBC

Data wydania: 19.06.1995

1. Down to the Waterline.
2. Six blade knife.
3. Water of love.
4. Wild West End.
5. Sultans of swing
6. Lions
7. What's the matter baby?
8. Tunnel of love

Mark Knopfler - gitara, wokal
David Knopfler - gitara, chórki
John Illsley - gitara basowa, chórki
Pick Withers - instrumenty perkusyjne
Alan Clark - instrumenty klawiszowe

[Obrazek: LiveAtTheBBC.jpg]
We talked of looking just out of town
Now it's looking like a dream shot down
I still believe that there's somewhere for us
But now it's something that we don't discuss
And you're the best thing I ever knew
Stay with me, baby, and we'll make it to
We'll make it to

Tu można kupić moją książkę Uśmiech
Księgarnia Wydawnictwa Radwan - Aparatka
Premiera 19VI
Something's going to happen
To make your whole life better
Your whole life better one day
Nawet kunszt sceniczny Marka nie zmienia tego, że płyt koncertowych nie mogę przełknąć. Nie tak samo, jak na żywo Wywracanie oczami
We talked of looking just out of town
Now it's looking like a dream shot down
I still believe that there's somewhere for us
But now it's something that we don't discuss
And you're the best thing I ever knew
Stay with me, baby, and we'll make it to
We'll make it to

Tu można kupić moją książkę Uśmiech
Księgarnia Wydawnictwa Radwan - Aparatka

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